A network diagram is essentially a flow chart that includes all of the project elements and how they relate to one another. It is widely used because it is easy to read and not only depicts the sequence of activities in the project, but also shows parallel activities and the links between each activity. Network logic is the collection of activity dependencies that make up a network diagram for a particular project. In other words, certain tasks are dependent on one another to complete the project. This creates a logical stream of events that will lead to completion of the project.
The network diagram lets know the following:
- It is easy to identify the problem that come from the workstation, LAN, WAN, server or application server.
- A network diagram gives a bird-eyes view of a system without having to go into technical details. If well done it will also show who is responsible for which parts.
- Helps us find our critical / non-critical activities. So if we know our critical activities we would like to allocate our critical people on the critical task and medium performing people on the non-critical activities.
- This also helps us to identify which activities we can run in parallel, thus reducing the total project time.
- Finally, it gives the Project Manager and the team a point of contact; the person capable of creating the network diagram surely has a thorough understating of the system.
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Does any one know of a program like visio, to install on ubuntu,without the need of installing crossover or some virtual machine...maybe wine?
I know you posted this over a year ago... But just in case you haven't found anything. Open Office has a program called Draw. Most linux distros have Open Office in it's package manager. Also, Dia. Dia is nowhere as good but it works as well.
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