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Showing posts with label Servers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Servers. Show all posts

Friday, March 15, 2013

Enable Role Remote Desktop Web Access

This provides clients an interface to access their virtual desktop. Let's see how to set up Remote Desktop Services on Windows 2008 R2 by enabling Remote Desktop Web Access Role Service. Use the following steps to install the RD Web Access role service: Log on to the desired server with local administrator privileges. Click Start, and then click Run. In the Run dialog box, type in ServerManager.msc and click OK. In the Roles Summary section,...

VLAN Numbering Standards Design Guide ~ Network, Server, IP phone, PCs

There are no hard and fast rules on how VLANs should be numbered on a campus network. However it is important to choose numbers that mean something and assist the network administrator. For example, vlans will be allocated for normal PC access, IP Telephony, servers and special cases such as inter-switch links. We recommend that numbers are allocated to a meaningful scheme, such as 100 – 199 allocated to PCs 200 – 299 allocated to IP Telephony...

DHCP design guidance for Small Sites (Less than 300 Users)

This article explains the DHCP Server recommendations especially for Small Site (Less than 300 Users). This guidance can be applied to your system. A small site is described as a site with less than 300 users in their facility. Your Management team could the following recommendation design for DHCP.  Option 1 - DHCP on the next uplink site  In most cases, the scopes configured to cover the mobile sites would include lease times...

Saturday, September 22, 2012

SQL Server: Installing Microsoft SQL Server 2012 On Windows 2008R2 (SP1) System

   This is a simple step-by-step guide to installing Microsoft's newest version of SQL Server with Reporting Services in stand-alone mode (the alternative is SharePoint Integrated, I'll deal with all the steps necessary to do that installation separately in a few days/weeks time).    The first step is to install your Windows 2008R2 box and get it fully upgraded to the latest patch levels (SP1). Then you can run the setup.exe...

Windows 2008R2: Installing .NET Framework (Enabling the Feature)

     2008R2 includes the .NET Framework as a feature that needs to be turned on when required. Numerous installation programs (for example SQL Server 2012) require it and will mostly just error and tell you to turn the feature on.      The blog post is intended as a step-by-step guide to switching the feature on.      Go to the start menu and type "Feature" into the search box, choose...

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

How to use GPO to remotely install software in Windows Server 2008

       You can use Group Policy to assign or to publish software to users or computers in a domain. Additionally, it is useful to be able to deploy software based on group membership. A Group Policy object (GPO) is usually applied only to members of an organizational unit (OU) to which the GPO is linked. Create a Distribution Point        To publish or assign a computer program, you must...

force proxy setting via group policy(GPO)

       We are using GPOs to apply proxy settings in our domain. Works fine and gives us the flexibility we need. GPOs are applied at system startup or user login. Take a look into the refresh policy. Changed GPOs will not be applied before the refresh interval takes place (in case the user remains logged in). This article describes how to force proxy setting via group policy. Click Start – All programs – Administrative...

Friday, June 1, 2012

How to find who is accessing shared folder/files on network

       Windows allows us to easily share files and folders with other people on our network but some of us may want to know when someone else is accessing our shared files and folders. I am going to show everyone for How to find who is accessing shared folder/files on the network. Computer Management       For all its faults, Windows has a lot of features. In fact, many people outside the...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Network Recovery Strategy ~ BCP

       This is to show example for Network Recovery Strategy ~ BCP for network part that can be applied to your business. The network and operations facilities at data center provide business application systems for your business and include: Core Network Services: (Exchange Email, File and Print Services, Internet / Intranet) Business Applications: (ERP, Financials, A/R, A/P, AM, billing), Mainframe printing. User...

Sunday, April 15, 2012


      I would like to share the GUIDELINES FOR SITES WITH 512K AVAILABLE DATA-ONLY CONNECTIONS and PROPOSE TO DC PROMO THIER LOCAL DCs. For sites which plan to install and promote (locally) an AD domain controller, a 512K available Data-only connection is the strong recommendation. And the only connection I am quite confident will succeed and not require additional support and effort.   If the site has a link...

Application Service Provider Checklist Examples

       The purpose of "Application Service Provider Checklist" is to obtain background information for those external vendors (3rd parties) that are currently providing or plan to provide external application hosting services for your business. Items Service Provider Response A1 Provide the name of the Application Service Provider (Outsourcer) and business address. ...